In 2009, she starred in two anime: Anyamaru Tantei Kiruminzuu as Mikogami Riko and Yumeiro Patissiere as Amano Ichigo, respectively. In August of the same year, she moved to the agency Pro-Fit. She got her first major role in 2008 in Kure-nai as Murasaki Kuhōin.
After her admission to high school in August 2007, she joined the agency Breath, changing her stage name to Aoi Yūki. In late 2006, she was affiliated with the theater company Central. When she was in fifth grade, she made her debut as a voice actress. From 1999 to 2002, she made regular appearances on the variety shows Appare Sanma Dai-sensei and Yappari Sanma Dai-sensei which aired on Fuji TV. As a child, she acted in films and dramas.
She entered the entertainment industry at the age of four.